Spreading Awareness
Conversations about sexual violence are crucial. When we share survivors’ experiences, we reduce stigma and alleviate shame. In addition to these hard conversations, it is our kuleana (responsibility) at the Hawai‘i Coalition Against Sexual Assault to offer resources that can help deepen our community’s sense of connection, compassion, and respect. Through this shared awareness, we lay the foundation for a Hawai‘i that is free from sexual violence.
Understanding Sexual Violence
These resources provide a foundational understanding of sexual violence and explore the impact on survivors in our community.
Crossing the Line: Film Trilogy & Discussion Guide
A sexual violence film trilogy designed to educate and inspire.
Part 1: Assumptions explores alcohol facilitated sexual violence and the implications for young adults.
Part 2: Accountability sheds light on the challenges in convicting offenders of sexual violence.
Part 3: Advocacy introduces Hawaii’s Sexual Assault Response Team, a multidisciplinary network of sexual violence responders.
Discussion questions are featured throughout the film, with an answer key at the end. The accessible version, created in partnership with the Comprehensive Service Center for people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind, includes subtitles and American Sign Language translation.
Guiding Principles
The following resources highlight HCASA’s guiding principles. Sexual violence would not exist in a world where each person was honored and respected as a vital part of an unbroken whole, and each individual embodied a deep sense of worthiness. HCASA’s vision of a violence-free Hawai‘i is built upon concepts that fundamentally reflect connection, kindness, and compassion. Through learning and practicing these ideals, each member of the community can help to build a world without sexual violence.
No‘ahuna Video
In this video, Pono Shim introduces the deeper meanings behind the words of Aloha, concepts that reflect an essence of kindness, compassion, and connection. These are HCASA’s guiding principles.
E ‘Ohana Hou Video
E ‘Ohana Hou, translated by Pono Shim as “the eternal unleashing of grace, of sharing our individual gifts with the world,” is the foundation of the Aloha Response. This video continues to explore the traditional Hawaiian values that make up HCASA’s guiding principles.
Embodied Self-compassion Slides
Self-compassion means offering yourself the same kindness you would give to a good friend. This webinar by Chaia Werger (originally presented at Sex Assault Awareness Month 2022) explores the relationship between trauma, self-worth, and self-compassion through an understanding of the mind-body connection.
Resources for Service Providers
The following resources offer guidance for service providers working with survivors of sexual violence, a diverse group with varying needs.
LGBTQIA+ Best Practice Standards & Readiness Guide
The LGBTQIA+ community is particularly impacted by sexual violence, due in part to widespread discrimination, and in part to a lack of LGTBQIA+ specific education and training. This manual and companion guide written by Robert Bidwell offer guidelines for service providers working with LGBTQIA+ survivors.
Resources for Partner Organizations
The following resources were created for past and present community outreach campaigns. If you or your organization would like to utilize any of these materials to help spread awareness, please contact us here for approval.
This “Respect All” logo can be used to acknowledge universal respect for people of all genders, orientations, races, abilities, and identities.
This “Respect All” image can be printed and used as a sign or banner.
LGBTQIA+ Outreach Campaign
Created with guidance from our LGBTQIA+ advisory committee, this campaign emphasizes our coalition’s commitment to respect, including honoring all survivor’s pronouns and never “outing” any clients. Download gif ads, video ads, and radio ads for each island below.
Digital Campaign for Survivors who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This digital ad campaign highlights the American Sign Language interpretation services provided by the sex assault centers on each island.
The following video ads feature actors signing in American Sign Language.
Digital Outreach Campaign
This digital ad connects Ilokano speaking Filipino survivors with services.
Video Ad Outreach Campaign - Asian Women
These digital video ads connect survivors with services, with a particular outreach to Asian women.
Multilingual Radio Outreach Campaign
These ads were played on local radio in fourteen different languages and dialects. We are always trying to reach survivors in need. If your organization interacts with populations speaking one of the following languages or dialects and you would like to use one of our ads, please contact us here.
Crossing the Line: Film Trilogy & Discussion Guide
This educational film series can be used in classrooms, boardrooms, or living rooms to spread awareness of sexual violence and the first responders. If you are interested in sharing the film with your group, download below, and contact us here.
Part 1: Assumptions explores alcohol facilitated sexual violence and the implications for young adults.
Part 2: Accountability sheds light on the challenges in convicting offenders of sexual violence.
Part 3: Advocacy introduces Hawaii’s Sexual Assault Response Team, a multidisciplinary network of sexual violence responders.
Discussion questions are featured throughout the film, with an answer key at the end. The accessible version, created in partnership with the Comprehensive Service Center for people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind, includes subtitles and American Sign Language translation.